Participation in clubs and activities helps students develop a sense of camaraderie and make friendships based on common interests. We encourage students to get involved and have some fun while they learn new skills.
- Animal Lovers Club: To share ideas and experiences about animals.
- Art Club: To help enhance the beauty of the school and allow time to explore art exhibits in the community.
- Baseball Club: To explore America’s favorite pastime and its reflection on our culture.
- Bicycle Club: Students will learn the “rules of the road” for a cyclist and perform basic tasks related to bicycle maintenance and safety.
- Board Games Club: To provide opportunities to engage in age-appropriate recreational board games.
- Checkers & Chess Club: To enhance recreational skills in playing checkers and chess.
- Computer and Technology Club: To expose students to the variety of careers and skills used by persons in computer-related careers. (Open to students having an interest in pursuing a computer-related career.)
- Craft Club: To develop students’ creative skills. To make projects for their own as well as others’ appreciation.
- Dance Club: Where students can demonstrate their spirit and learn a variety of dance routines.
- Drama Club: To allow students the opportunity to enhance performance and speaking skills and to allow the student body to observe structured dramatic performances.
- Fellowship of Christian Athletes: To aid in the education, spiritual, emotional, and social growth of any student-athlete.
- Film Studies Club: To explore how production impacts a story to learn to view movies and stories more critically.
- Fitness Club (JROTC): Students will work with the high school ROTC instructors and cadets to explore fitness and making positive choices for living healthy lives. This fitness club has an emphasis on building relationships between prospective ROTC cadets and the high school program.
- Fitness Club: To explore current trends in fitness and expose the students to the correct nutrition information that can be applied to their lives, hopefully making better and healthier choices.

- Garden Club: To become actively involved with school and community landscaping and gardening projects.
- Lacrosse Club: Learning lacrosse skills, teamwork, competition, meeting new friends, and helping students at CMS.
- Lego Club: Students will have the opportunity to design and build with Legos, problem-solve, and collaborate with peers to gain knowledge and skills related to engineering and robotics. This club would be a good program for any students interested in Lego Robotics or being on a robotics team in high school.
- Mind Puzzles: This club focuses on critical thinking and reasoning skills in a fun setting where students cooperate rather than compete to solve problems.
- Music Makers Club: To introduce students to songwriting and digital music production.
- Photography Club: This club will be taking pictures of student life at CMS. Pictures may be used in the publication of the yearbook.
- Reading Club: This club will provide students an opportunity to enjoy reading in a comfortable environment and provide an opportunity for students to explore and check out books from the library.
- Red Cross: Primarily involved with community service. Students will volunteer their time and efforts to area hospitals, nursing homes, and their families.
- Spanish Club: To provide broader avenues for cultural and social experiences related to Spanish-speaking countries. (Open to students who are currently enrolled in a Spanish class.)
- Speak Up: To help promote student positivity, diversity, and self-esteem and to increase awareness and understanding of teen mental health by participating in activities in collaboration with the Cameron K. Gallagher Foundation.
- Spirit Club: To promote school spirit and generate interest in the school’s academic and athletics programs.
- Yoga: Increase your flexibility, sharpen your focus, and quiet your mind with the Yoga & Mindfulness Club. Never tried yoga? No worries; we’ll start out easy! Know a bit about yoga? Great! Variations of poses will be presented and encouraged. Don’t own a yoga mat? No problem, the club has spares!
- Yo-Yo Club: To provide opportunities for students to research the history of the yoyo and for students to lead in demonstrations and instructional activities.
CMS Clubs with Eligibility Requirements
These clubs have applications and/or requirements. Only sign up if you have met the eligibility requirements for the club.
- Family Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA): Join FCCLA, the only national student organization that encourages your personal growth, prepares you for a career, fosters family and community involvement, and helps you become a leader. This club is open to those who are enrolled in a family consumer science class.
- Junior Beta Club: To promote school and community service and to encourage academic excellence. (Open to 8th grade students who meet the minimum of a 3.3 grade point average with no grade less than a “B” in seventh-grade required courses. Students may have no more than one “C” in elective courses.)
- POPS: These Power of Positive Students Club members make a difference in the community with service projects that include the school-wide Fox Holiday Socks program, providing tours for rising 6th grade students, and serving as ambassadors to welcome new Chargers throughout the school year. You must be a 7th or 8th grade student to participate in this club.
- SCA (Student Cooperative Association): To encourage good citizenship in our school and community, to promote good communication between students and faculty, and to encourage all students to participate in school activities.